Reimagining The Corner Store
If you’re one of our neighbors in SW Philly, you’ve seen the signs on what’s coming in 2025 on the corner of 60th and Walton. But you may be wondering… whats all the hullabaloo with TCG?
The Community Grocer is a nonprofit community run retailer, specializing in an all day menu of delicious meal kits, fresh ingredients, and staple items, where EVERYTHING on our shelves is SNAP eligible! Select from a co-created community driven menu of breakfast, after school snacks, dinner, and family platter meal kits where your receipt is your recipe, with all the instructions & ingredients you need to prepare an incredible meal. Don’t feel like cooking? Here is where the magic happens!
After you leave our premises, trade in your unopened, fresh ingredient meal kit for a hot prepared version in the separately run and operated Resident Action Committee community kitchen next door, at no additional cost!
We’re committed to making sure you have a pathway towards preparing our farm fresh ingredients. At TCG, you are uniquely able to use your SNAP benefits to walk away with an empowering and healthy meal solution that meets you in your routine! We are ensuring every one has access to great food, one meal at a time!
As a 501c3 organization, we are reinvesting in our community on every step of the journey. Reducing food waste, providing workforce development, hosting community roundtables, and ensuring access to fresh, culturally relevant, and delicious meal solutions - we are committed to celebrating our rituals of food from soil to supper!
Stop on by, call, or email to see how nutrition and community empowerment intersect under one roof!
Eating well means feeling good. As an approved SNAP EBT retailer, all of our meal solutions are EBT eligible, bringing fresh ingredients and real nutritional assistance within a walking distance to those who need it.
“There is nowhere around here to buy a healthy salad, meal or fresh ingredients. That’s what we need.”
90.4% of survey respondents strongly agreed that they wanted more healthy food options in their neighborhood.
“I eat at the Chinese [restaurant] or get… something from the corner store about 20 times a week. Those are the only places I can walk to [for a hot meal].”
Respondents bought hot meals out on average 6.1 times a week. They cooked at home for an average of 4.33 days a week.
“As a diabetic, I have to be careful with what I eat and there are no healthy options around here. But if there was, I would spend about 40% [of EBT benefits] there.”